Research based work I’m currently working on includes ‘Better’, (working title), an idea for a photobook made with people who are in recovery from having a gambling problem.
Working together on this (anonymous) book project, participants will be invited to think of non-commercial ways to ‘gamble’ as a way of making contact with other people, whilst not losing money or being dependent on financial gain. Suggestions for the collaborative book might include: ‘Smile at 6 people today and bet to yourself that at least 2 will smile back. If they don’t return your smile, you still get to make contact with someone else, and if they do smile back, then you have had a nice, albeit brief encounter with a stranger.’ The book will be full of ‘win-win’ situations, which mean that the person who longs to wean themselves off financial gambling can find ways to meet other people and value friendship rather than the lure of slot machines and betting shops. They will be working on the book whose audience is other recovering gamblers. Photo skills will be taught by Siobhan, who has had over ten years teaching photography and film at UK universities and independent workshop.
Funding will be sought from AFK and other organisations.